Report Information

Dates under “Appears on Your Report” are the first date the sales can appear. However, please allow up to four days for reports to be updated.

Amazon US, CreateSpace US, & Google

Month Sale Occurred Appears on Your Report Payment Sent Last Day of:
January  February 15 March
February  March 15 April
March  April 15 May
April  May 15 June
May  June 15 July
June  July 15 August
July  August 15 September
August  September 15 October
September  October 15 November
October  November 15 December
November  December 15 January
December  January 15 February

Amazon Outside US

Month Sale Occurred Appears on Your Report Payment Sent Last Day of:
January  April 2 May
February  May 2 June
March  June 2 July
April  July 2 August
May  August 2 September
June  September 2 October
July  October 2 November
August  November 2 December
September  December 2 January
October  January 2 February
November  February 2 March
December  March 2 April


Month Sale Occurred Appears on Your Report Payment Sent Last Day of:
January  February 25 March
February  March 25 April
March  April 25 May
April  May 25 June
May  June 25 July
June  July 25 August
July  August 25 September
August  September 25 October
September  October 25 November
October  November 25 December
November  December 25 January
December  January 25 February

Click on any column heading to sort by that element.

Your royalties are a percentage (depending on your contract) of what RAP receives from any given distributor.

Royalty rates can vary with each distributor, and some, like Amazon, change the rate with the sale price.

Amazon Royalties

For books priced between $2.99 and $9.99, Amazon US pays 70% of the cover price minus a small delivery cost ($0.15 per MB of the book file).


For books priced between $0.99 and $2.98 or over $9.99, Amazon US pays 35% of the cover price (no delivery fee).


For books sold to customers outside the Available Sales Territories (See Other Information section on this page) who purchased the book on, Amazon pays at a 35% royalty rate without any delivery fee.

Amazon Delivery Costs

Delivery Costs are equal to the number of megabytes Amazon determines your Digital Book file contains, multiplied by the Delivery Cost rate listed below. US $0.15/MB CAD $0.15/MB R$0.30/MB UK £0.10/MB €0,12/MB €0,12/MB €0,12/MB INR ₹7/MB €0,12/MB €0,12/MB ¥1/MB MXN $1/MB AUD $0.15/MB

From Amazon: “We will round file sizes up to the nearest kilobyte. The minimum Delivery Cost for a Digital Book will be US$0.01 for sales in US Dollars, INR₹1 for sales in Indian Rupees, CAD$0.01 for sales in CAD Dollars, £0.01 for sales in GB Pounds, ¥1 in JPY, R$0.01 for sales in Brazilian Reais, MXN$1 for sales in Mexican Pesos, AUD$0.01 for sales in Australian Dollars, and €0.01 for sales in Euros, regardless of file size. For sales in JPY, we will not deduct any Delivery Cost for books 10 MB or greater.”

Amazon Available Sales Territories

Isle of Man
The Netherlands
New Zealand
San Marino
United Kingdom
United States
Vatican City

*70% Royalty in Brazil, Japan, Mexico, and India. Digital Books enrolled in KDP Select will be eligible to earn 70% royalty for sales to customers in Brazil, Japan, Mexico, and India. The List Price you set for Brazil, Japan, Mexico, and India must also meet the 70% List Price requirements for sales to customers in Brazil, Japan, Mexico, and India. If your Digital Book is not enrolled in KDP Select or you do not meet the 70% List Price requirements, you will earn 35% royalty.

Books in Kindle Select must be exclusive to Amazon, which means those books are not available in other stores while they are in the Kindle Select program.

Books in Kindle Select earn money by the number of pages read. A customer can read your book as many times as they like, but Amazon will only pay for the number of pages read the first time the customer reads them.

It may take months for customers to read pages in a book, but no matter how long it takes, Amazon still pays once it happens. This is true even if the book is no longer in the Select program.

Amazon uses Kindle Edition Normalized Page Count (KENPC), a proprietary method to determine how many pages a book has for the purposes of payment under the Select program. It generally differs from the actual page count and is not visible to the public.

Each month, Amazon creates a KDP Select Global Fund. The share of fund allocated to each country varies based on a number of factors, such as exchange rates, customer reading behavior, and local subscription pricing. Sales amounts paid are then determined by a book’s share of total pages read. The amount per page varies each month.

For RAP reporting purposes, to get the quantity of books sold, we divide the total pages read in the month by the KENPC. That’s why you may see decimal points in the number, as if someone bought a fraction of your book.