Publishing FAQ

What royalty rates do you offer?

We offer up to 50% royalties (net from distribution channels) to new RAP authors.

Where do you distribute books?

Our eBooks are available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple, Sony, Kobo, and more.

Our print versions are sold on our site and on Amazon. They are also available to other physical bookstores and libraries.

Our audio books are sold at Amazon, iTunes, and

You have an “Editing Service” where you charge for editing. Is there a charge to the author if you publish his or her book?

No. Should we offer a publishing contract, the author does not pay any portion of production costs.

Our Editing Service is for authors who choose to self-publish.

Who decides what books will be published?

We have an acquisitions team review each submission.

How long after submission of my manuscript will it take to hear back from you?

The time will vary, depending on the number of submissions. At this time, you should hear from us within one to four months.

Will you publicize my book?

We do many different types of publicity, including BookBub ads, Amazon ads, special sales, and “freebie” runs. Each book is different, so we choose the best options for the book. We also work to create buzz about the book on our social media sites.

So the author can kick back and the company will do it all?

No. Authors who do not assist in their own publicity will not be successful. Selling books is not all about the book. We also have to “sell” the author. We assign a mentor to each author to help them understand how best to assist in marketing their book and their author brand.

If my book is not chosen for publication, can I schedule it for editing on your editing site?

No. To avoid a conflict of interest, books not chosen for publication cannot be scheduled for editing.

Similarly, if you have paid for editing through us, you may not submit your book for publishing consideration.


If your question has not been answered, please feel free to email