
Someone’s always watching. All Jay wants is a wi-fi hotspot and a few hours away from his father, whose behavior has gotten erratic since Jay’s mother died last year. But Jay’s solo hobby of hotspot hunting makes him a witness to a violent crime. Though he escapes with his life, he winds up in possession of a mysterious transmission.

Jay gives the file to his best friend, Benny, a wheelchair-bound hacker who risks his life to crowd-surf at raves. But when Benny learns what the data signifies, he and Jay are yanked into a dark underworld of futuristic technological secrets and the men who protect them. The coalition responsible for the transmission hunts Jay and Benny across the globe, but the boys’ lives aren’t the only thing at stake. The future has already arrived.


ISBN-13: 978-1-940215-11-2

Publication Date:  December 12, 2012

About the Author

Collin Tobin lives in Massachusetts with his wife and two daughters. He holds a bachelor’s in English and master’s in Education. He has worked in the software industry for the past twelve years. He was the lucky recipient of the Mississippi Literary Festival’s 1st place in poetry and has also published poems in “character i” and “The Drum”. When he’s not writing, he enjoys re-reading Nabokov’s fiction in chronological order, eating very hot salsa, and dreaming up inventions with neither the capital nor the initiative to see them through. His greatest accomplishment is his wonderful family. His greatest fear is losing interest.


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