Through Any Window

After being questioned in a murder investigation, Riley Masterson has spent eighteen months under suspicion by the sheriff’s office. Anxious to escape accusing eyes, she finally decides to leave Alabama and move to South Carolina.

But Greenbrier isn’t the stabilizing influence she hopes for, as her neighborhood is slowly being gentrified, with homeless people living in the shadows of mansions. As Riley struggles to forge a new life, forces are gathering in the tension-plagued neighborhood as glitzy new homes rise beside crumbling mill houses, and everyone is able and willing to peer into a neighbor’s window.

When a ghastly crime occurs, an unexpected victim is caught in the crossfire. Detectives are left to ponder: Are the deaths personal or the result of rich and poor living in such proximity? Will Riley take the blame, as someone seems to have so meticulously planned?

Categories: , Product ID: 6122


Page Count: Approx. 280

ISBN-13: 978-1-958231-41-8

Publication Date: January 16

About the Author

Deb Richardson-Moore has worked as an award-winning newspaper journalist and as a pastor to homeless congregants. Her murder mysteries fall somewhere between cozies and gritty psychological thrillers and have twice been named finalists in Killer Nashville competitions.

Deb and her husband live in upstate South Carolina, where she enjoys gardening, volunteering, public speaking, and watching TV thrillers adapted from favorite books. She travels frequently to the beach and to visit their three adult children, who are spread from South Carolina to southern California to Southeast Asia.

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