The Space between Secrets

In her forties and desperately yearning to be a mother, Rachel Sutton is devastated each month by a negative pregnancy test. Her marriage is on the rocks, but she believes a child will fill the hole in her heart. Life seems bitterly unfair until Rachel is presented with an opportunity to adopt a baby overseas.

Though her husband balks at the idea, Rachel is determined. When he goes away on business, she decides to head to London on her own to get the child. However, the adoption falls through, and Rachel extends her trip to avoid going home. After making friends with Rena, a young British woman, Rachel impulsively offers to have Rena and her baby stay at her home back in the States for a few months.

When tragedy strikes, Rachel makes a decision that will have far-reaching consequences. As she works to avoid being discovered, she realizes that everyone she knows is hiding something. Rachel must unravel the truth and forge a new path to a future she never imagined.


ISBN-13: 978-1-958231-53-1

Publication Date: July 23, 2024

About the Author

Sheri Langer is a chocoholic writer and editor who routinely feasts on romantic comedies. She’s been known to spontaneously reenact scenes from classic favorites like When Harry Met Sally.

A self-proclaimed, moderately talented home-cook, Sheri spends a fair amount of time concocting dishes that can never be repeated. A creative rebel at heart, she has always colored outside the lines and has an instinctive aversion to recipes. To keep the calories from getting too out of hand, Sheri does step and aerobic workouts in the privacy of her bedroom, where no one has to be subjected to her lack of rhythm.

An avid word fan, Sheri frequently plays Just Words, Boggle, and Scrabble, mostly against the computer so she has excellent odds of winning. With her four kids all grown up, three of whom live in various locations across the map, Sheri and her guy, Brad, spend much of their down time watching General Hospital and football, shopping, and pursuing the best ice cream on the planet. Much to the chagrin of their waistbands, they can often be spotted sitting on a bench outside their favorite creamery, eating obscenely overstuffed giant waffle cones.

Please feel free to connect with Sheri on social media. You can help her procrastinate by engaging in spirited exchanges or viewing pics of her great-looking family and ridiculously adorable cat, Zoe.

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