Murder City Blues

Frontenac is a corrupt city of vice, sin, and murder. On a rainy day (but what day isn’t rainy in that industrial wasteland?) an underage prostitute and a rookie cop are murdered.

No one cares. No one lifts a finger.

Killebrew cares. Recently returned from the big war overseas, Killebrew has learned a few skills, like how to break things and kill people. He is now determined to use his knowledge to remove anything and anyone standing between him and justice for his kid sister.

With the help of a beautiful lounge singer and some of his old pals from the war, Killebrew intends to smash Frontenac down to its dirty core and stomp all the cockroaches who attempt to flee.

Categories: , , Product ID: 6448


ISBN-13: 978-1-958231-52-4

Publication Date: July 9, 2024

About the Author

Scott Bell has over 25 years of experience protecting the assets of retail companies. He holds a degree in Criminal Justice from North Texas State University. With the kids grown and time on his hands, Scott turned back to his first love—writing.

His short stories have been published in The Western Online, Cast of Wonders, and in the anthology, Desolation. When he’s not writing, Scott is on the eternal quest to answer the question: What would John Wayne do?

Visit Scott’s Author Page