Get to the Point: Trimming Unnecessary Words
: Book 6
A no-nonsense guide for authors interested in taking their writing to the next level, Get to the Point offers clear, simple tips for tightening your sentences, improving your story’s pacing, increasing tension, and generating a more entertaining voice. Its techniques will aid you in strengthening awareness of unwanted habits, gaining clearer understanding of unnecessary description, and informing solid strategies for concise, powerful prose. Top-notch writing makes every novel come alive.
This guide booklet will help you learn to:
–Identify hidden redundancies
–Cut clunky phrases and their hangers-on
–Rescue tension and pacing from lazy adverbs
–Harness the power of the metaphor
–Recycle those info dumps
–Discover how to show and when to tell
–Practice the art of the subtle foreshadow
–Balance dialogue tags with conversation
–Separate descriptive essentials from the everyday
–Apply informed context to avoid over explaining
–Retain POV control to eliminate headhopping
–Avoid misleading with ordinary overkill
At 13,000 words, Get to the Point is packed with informed tips and tricks that will help you elevate your writing to the next level as you craft a compelling novel.

Ebook Only
Publication Date: September 2, 2014
About the Author
Stefanie Spangler Buswell has a bachelor of arts from Western Illinois University, and she tried out a few other careers before settling down to read books for a living. Books and reading have always been her passion. So she’s excited to be a part of creating great books. Stefanie lives in central Illinois with her husband and daughter. She is currently the executive publisher assistant and a line editor at Red Adept Publishing. When she’s not editing, she enjoys gardening, knitting, and forcing others to read her favorite books.
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