Short Story: Poems from Liberty Justice May 17, 2023 433 by Brett McKay Liberty is a thirteen-year-old teen in my latest novel, Liberty Justice, released by Red Adept Publishing. Liberty takes care of her heroin-addicted mother while battling adolescence and struggling to fit in at a new school. The only outlet she finds solace in is her poetry. I wanted to sprinkle a few of her poems into
Short Story: Mary’s Monday Market May 15, 2023 382 by Kate Birdsall “They act like this shit is a matter of-of national security, when really it’s just a health-food store! What’s corporate about it?! I mean, give me a break!” Tina stood atop a milk crate, her tattered gray Chuck Taylors lined up with the edge, her face reddening with every word. “You know what
$0.99 Sale: Words We Cannot Say May 13, 2023 496 Words We Cannot Say by Sita Romero is on sale May 13th – May 16th for only $0.99. Labor and delivery nurse Penelope is an expert at her job but a complete mess when it comes to her personal life. After her boyfriend dumps her in favor of saving his marriage, Penelope discovers she’s pregnant.
Short Story: Times Remembered May 12, 2023 329 by Angela McRae Lynn woke and, realizing what day it was, closed her eyes and pulled the sheet up over her head. Maybe she could sleep a few more minutes and postpone the inevitable. But after tossing and turning for ten minutes, she went ahead and got up from the guest bedroom at her father’s
Short Story: Meet Miss Molly May 10, 2023 430 by Barbara Conrey It happened like this: Big Mom and Little Mom wanted a beagle puppy. They had decided to buy one from some fancy-schmancy beagle-breeder in Kentucky. And then Big Mom saw a picture of three little beagle puppies at a rescue center right down the road from where they lived. “Let’s go look
New Release: The Foster Wife May 9, 2023 268 Special Release Day Kindle Price: $2.99. Grab your copy today! After a devastating breakup, instead of drowning in her tears, Amelia Day starts a new business. For a hefty fee, she uses the methods for training foster dogs to transform men into suitable marriage material. Her track record is impeccable until she meets perpetual bachelor
Short Story: Meet JT May 8, 2023 380 by Deborah L. King A side story of Glory and JT Chicago 1976 Marcus Jackson picked up the hysterically laughing ten-year-old and gave him a gentle noogie. “Ready to take a break, Shorty?” Marcus asked. “What’s the matter Pops, you tired of this shorty whoopin’ on you?” JT made a perfect jump shot, sinking the
Cover Reveal: Fate Claimed May 6, 2023 262 Coming June 2023 After Maeve O’Neill’s rash decision to free magic, Boston is under lockdown as it spreads across the city. The whole world is in shock. Maeve must prove that normal people can control their new abilities before DODSI, the secret government agency overseeing magic, makes good on its threats of imprisonment or possibly
$0.99 Sale: The Intruders May 5, 2023 587 The Intruders by Brett McKay is on sale May 5th – 8th for only $0.99. After an unexpected turn flushes his chosen career down the toilet, Dex Sanders is struggling to make ends meet as a used car salesman. Despite the drudgery of the job, he manages to put on a brave face for his
Short Story: Globus Sensation May 3, 2023 675 by Alessandra Harris Short Story Set in the 1950s My toes sunk into the hot grains of sand as I darted along the beach in Santa Cruz. I tried to ignore the lump in my throat and enjoy the day. Not worry. I found an open space on the crowded beachfront, and I abandoned my sun